Handsome tabby Lennon started showing up at Henry’s Wall in the summer of 2023. He’s very shy and wary, so it took us nearly a year to trap him for neutering and a health check. Once recovered, he was released back into the safe and familiar territory of the nearby field. We hope he’ll stick […]
Continue reading...Sylvester comes around to Henry’s Wall in winter only, as in the summer he lives by the church on the other side of the road. He has a cartoon face, hence his name!
Continue reading...She’s quite shy and comes regularly to eat with us. We think she must have a home around. We neutered her before summer 2023.
Continue reading...Fika means (roughly) coffee break in Swedish. She’s very cuddly and always always waiting for us in the morning! She’s also always here when we go to the beach in the afternoon, or even after the evening shift Has a lot of love to give and would love to be adopted!
Continue reading...Noel means Christmas in French, and he got his name on December 25th 2022! Noel is a neutered male who has a home in the village, but loves hanging out with his best friend Henry. Also known for his friendly headbutts and almost broke one of our volunteers glasses!
Continue reading...A new male at henry’s wall. We caught Sultana several times in a trap while we were trying to catch another male! Nice and friendly cat (very friendly with Henry), but also very quiet and can be seen during the day as well sometimes
Continue reading...Shy Nefeli was also found in this area. Being entirely white, she is particularly vulnerable to sunburn, and subsequently to skin cancer, due to the harsh summer sun. In fact, although Nefeli is only young, her ears were already showing signs of damage. For this reason, Nefeli was brought to Syros Cats. Once she has […]
Continue reading...Henry’s a very friendly boy and is waiting to greet the volunteers with a meow and a chirrup every morning.
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