Feeding Stations


Around the island you will see feeding stations (discover more further below) commissioned and organised by ‘We Live Together’ a Syros-based, affordable neutering clinic. These are maintained by local volunteers, who raise money for cat food. Here colonies of strays gather once or twice a day to be fed. The stations also have fresh water – essential for survival during the hot summer months.

In Kini, volunteers from Syros Cats feed about fifty cats each day. Look out for the feeding stations when you are wandering around Kini and feel free to speak to our volunteers if you see them. Many of the cats have stories… The cats have their own preferred resting spots. Some of them are very friendly and will come to you for a treat or head rub, others are timid and you should leave these alone, as they may have had bad experiences with humans, in the past.

Volunteers visit the feeding stations daily.

Our volunteers visit Kini’s feeding stations every day to provide fresh food and water and monitor the cats’ health

If you would like to help, please top up the water containers as it’s hard for the cats to get enough water in the summer. Please don’t put wet food, or biscuits around rubbish bins, as it attracts flies and perpetuates the myth common among some older people that ‘cats are dirty and a health hazard to humans’.

We also raise money to help the street cats of Kini to have a better life, so we can provide dental care when necessary (mouth problems are common among stray cats, often because of poor early nutrition), and parasite treatment. If Kini cats are sick, they get veterinary care and we sometimes hospitalise them for ongoing treatment.

The Mermaid feeding station.

The Mermaid feeding station is our largest colony

When the tavernas closed for the winter, cats in beach villages have a tough time finding food. Many visitors feed strays, but they are abandoned after they leave. If you are on holiday here, maybe you’d consider donating dried food and leaving it for someone to continue feeding after you’ve left the island.

Kini Cat Feeding Stations

  • Information about the cats feeding at each station
  • Photos of the regular visitors
  • Choose names for the unnamed cats
  • A map with the location of each feeding station