Farewell Frosty


Farewell Frosty

We are so sad that everyone’s beloved Frosty has passed away from old age kidney failure.

Frosty came to Syros Cats in 2018. It feels like longer as he became such an icon – instantly loved by visitors and a firm favourite among volunteers. Found by our long-standing volunteer, Hanna, suffering from terrible sunburn being an all-white stray, we thought at first, he was beyond help.

He had surgery to remove one ear and a large growth that had developed on the side of his face. Thereafter, he had a permanent smile as if he’d had a facelift! Against the odds and with a lot of care, Frosty’s skin healed and the horrible raw burns all around his neck and head were replaced by thick healthy white fur. Frosty groomed fastidiously and kept his coat in purrfect condition.

But he was a problem child. He hated other cats with a vengeance, having fought for his life for years on the streets. He was a people cat from the beginning and loved to sit on any available lap, or cuddle over a shoulder. He especially liked to perch on the edge of your knees or over your shoulder so he could keep his beady eye on everything. In the early days he was kept in the house so he wouldn’t fight. But inevitably there were a few legendary encounters. As soon as our backs were turned, he’d be off. We’d hear the commotion as he sought out his arch enemy, Pumpkin, stalking him through the lavender before pouncing. A fight with Bella landed him in the vet with a bone infection from a bite – he messed with the wrong girl! Frosty didn’t seem fazed by the fact that he had no teeth left for fighting!

He was the only cat we’ve had who seemed to know about camouflage. He actively sought out white cushions, white chairs, and white sheets. Frosty was not deaf like white cats often are. But his directional hearing was compromised by the surgery and later a second surgery to clip his other ear, which developed cancer as well. When we’d call his name he’d always look the opposite way first.

In his later life, he calmed down, like he had decided to retire from fighting. He was sprightly and had the energy to bounce away like a spring lamb when we wanted to pick him up at dinner time.

We don’t know how old he was, but maybe 15. He lived much longer than we expected. He was a great patient, allowing us to administer fluids to give him comfort when his kidneys got worse. He was always around the house or terrace ready for a cuddle or to observe a fight. He might look peaceful in a deep sleep but would be up like a light as soon as there was a hint of a fight to see.

Frosty – it’s not the same here without you. We all miss you.

Partners & Supporters

Animal Action Greece
Greek Cat Welfare Society
Syros Vets
Oro Suites