Erwin - Sponsor Me!
About Erwin
Showed up in July 2022, unneutered and very shy ! Got neutered and learned to trust us, it took some time but he’s so adorable it was worth it! He’s very sweet and good tempered and loves a bit of fuss.
Sadly an X-ray showed he’s got holes in his lungs which could be dangerous, so he gets extra care (he’s now microchipped, so in the winter he can come in an out of the main house and enjoys some comfort and warmth). He’s actually doing good !
Erwin loves attending breakfast with us, as he knows he’s spoilt and gets yoghurt when he behaves properly, so everytime (pretty much!).
Erwin needs sponsors!
If you would like to help us care for Erwin with a monthly donation, we would love to hear from you!
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