It’s never just about TNR!
When we trap cats in preparation for sterilisation, it’s the perfect time to get close to otherwise very shy cats and to check their general health.
Betty was trapped for TNR in Kini and was found to have a chest infection, so we brought her to Syros Cats for treatment. Though a little stressed to be in a strange environment and in the confines of her recovery cage, it was the best solution to ensure Betty received the full course of antibiotics. She stayed for one week, after which she was happily released back to her colony. We’ll be able to monitor her progress on our daily feeding rounds.
Daphne was trapped at a local window & door company and was found to have a bad injury to her rear right leg. We knew we had to bring her to Syros Cats for treatment, as left untreated, it was highly likely that the tissue would become necrotic. We started her on antibiotics and feared that surgery may be necessary. Luckily, that was not needed, and after three weeks, her injury had healed sufficiently for us to release her back to her colony.
Well, OK, we admit it, Janusz wasn’t exactly trapped for neutering. He just walked onto our land on New Year’s Day! Where he came from is a mystery! Though shy when he first arrived, he became super-friendly once he’d been sterilised. He’s also been treated for an eye infection and has received parasite treatment and vaccinations. And the good news is that this lovely boy is staying around! Welcome to Team Syros Cats, Janusz!
This rather handsome young tabby-and-white was trapped at our Mermaid feeding station. He is now sterilised and seems happy to hang around our land. He’s very shy and will most likely not become super friendly like Janusz, but we’re happy he’s decided to settle here. He’s now seeking a sponsor! If you would like to sponsor him, then you get to name him! Please follow this link to sign up.