Born in April 2024, rescued at the end of May along with her sisters Brizzie and Adelaide and brothers Rocky and Sydney (Mel is hiding at the back top right). Mother is Aussie, feral cat, she had 5 kittens. Located in a field near Henry’s wall. One of our volunteers Leanne trapped Aussie when the […]
Continue reading...Brother to Theta and Zeta, he was also born in September 2022 and caught at end of Oct at the Mermaid feeding station. They were very young so we decided to take them in as the Mermaid is on the only road the qualifies as “busy” for Kini – not a place for Kittens! The […]
Continue reading...Sister to Theta and Eta, she was also born in September 2022 and caught at end of Oct at the Mermaid feeding station. They were very young so we decided to take them in as the Mermaid is on the only road the qualifies as “busy” for Kini – not a place for Kittens! Like […]
Continue reading...Born end of April 2024. Her mum, Apropos was caught by one of our friends to get neutered, stress induced labour and she gave birth to three kittens, Virgule is the only one that managed to survive. We helped mama but giving baby some formula, and now she thrives ! Very playful, very funny, she’s […]
Continue reading...Our mystery gentleman! He just showed up at the aquarium feeding station one day in a bad shape, he was sick, not neutered and needed some dental work (had five teeth removed). We think he is around five years old, but don’t know much more than that! He’s not especially interested in people, and is […]
Continue reading...Showed up in July 2022, unneutered and very shy ! Got neutered and learned to trust us, it took some time but he’s so adorable it was worth it! He’s very sweet and good tempered and loves a bit of fuss. Sadly an X-ray showed he’s got holes in his lungs which could be dangerous, […]
Continue reading...Arrived to us in 2020. A extremely cute and gorgeous male with beautiful blue eyes, and pale ginger and white coat. Sadly he has some ongoing health issues; a sensitive mouth (including a wound that never heals despite our efforts), upper respiratory chronic issues and a sensitive stomach. We keep a close eye on him! […]
Continue reading...The baby faced assassin! Momo simply showed up in Oct/Nov 2022 and is around 4 years old. She’s just about the most self-sufficient cat with have and very little bothers her. Is very cute, very cuddly (and very photogenic) when she decides to be and has perfected the “butter-wouldn’t-melt” pleading look for food (loves Gouda […]
Continue reading...Was rescued in August 2023, born around Apr the same year. He was supposed to be adopted by his rescuer along with another cat (Petal), but ended up staying with us, which in the end is much better for him. Loves playing with us, but really unsure about too much human contact. However has bonded […]
Continue reading...Born in Apr 2023, was rescued and brought to us two months later. Very stressed around other cats, she was not doing well in the shed so we decided to release her. Doing much better now, and has even taught herself how to use the catflap! Knows her name and loves people ! She’s adorable, absolutely […]
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